What’s Ahead for the Housing Market
When rates start to decline there will be an influx of buyers and sellers. Housing demand will be fueled by the largest generation of potential homebuyers ever – the millennials.
U.S. Millennial Population: 72 Million
- Median age of people moving out of their parents’ house is 26
- Median age of first-time buyers: 35
The Impact of Baby Boomers
- Largest group of all homeowners are 65+
- Buyers 57+ are more likely to downsize
- Baby Boomers are 52% of sellers
Average Homeowner Equity is $274,000.
Top Reasons People Move
- To be closer to family and friends.
- Need more space.
- Love their rate, but not their house.
- Want a better neighborhood.
- Want a vacation home.
- Lots of equity, lots of choices.
- Legacy real estate.
- Time to downsize.
- Out-of-area relocation.
- Change of work or life.
Interest rates on a 30 year fixed mortgage fluctuate, but over the last three decades they’ve hovered in the 5-10% range. In 1981 mortgage rates jumped to 18.6%.
I know the market can be confusing, but I am here to offer clear, concise information you can trust. Feel free to contact me and I will answer any questions you may have.
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For information regarding the Market Statistics for the Austin Area, click here.
SOURCES: 1. statista.com/statistics/296974/us-population-share-by-generation/ 2. nar.realtor/sites/default/files/documents/2023-home-buyers-and-sellers-generational-trends-report-03-28-2023.pdf 3. bankrate.com/home-equity/homeownerequity-
data-and-statistics/ 4. bankrate.com/homeownership/home-ownership-statistics/#lowest-rates 5. freddiemac.com 6. nar.realtor/newsroom/nar-finds-typical-home-buyers-annual-household-income-climbed-to-record-high-of-107000